We are pleased to announce issue Number 4 of our
Membership Newsletter
Welcome from our Co-Editors
Welcome from our Co-Editors
Welcome to the fourth issue of Member News, the Hawaii Writers Guild biannual publication that shines a spotlight on our members and their writing lives and accomplishments.
In this Spring 2023 issue, we have three feature stories. At the top of the list is a story about our annual meeting, which was held in January, that focuses on our members’ participation. If you attended the Zoom meeting, you will find your picture in this story. If you didn’t attend, you can see who was there.
Our second feature tells the story about how the aloha spirit of the Guild’s new president and a new member of the Guild helped a writer from Canada realize her wish to do a public reading from her new book during her visit to Maui in April.
In our third feature, our new president, Diane Revell, reports on the 24th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Peace Poem Awards Ceremony that she attended as a representative of the Guild on April 29.
We think you’ll agree, based on the latter two feature stories, that a characteristic of our new president’s governance is connecting with others. It’s going to be fun to see where her presidency will lead the Guild!
We also devote space to two regular columns that we try to include in each issue. Genre Corner is a column which provides an opportunity for a member (or members) to sound off—either pro or con—about some aspect of their favorite genres. In this issue, what started out as a Genre Corner column by our secretary Donna Beumler, ended up as more akin to a description of one of her favorite writing techniques, which she calls “Magical Writing.” See whether it’s a technique that might appeal to you.
Our second column, Transitions, is a column we developed to provide news of members who are moving into or out of various positions, functions or duties with Hawaii Writers Guild or other aspects of their writing lives. This month we have a profile of our new president, Diane Revell, to introduce you to her in case you don’t know her. We also feature a new project being developed by our member Frank Reilly. Frank, a founding member of the team that developed the Guild’s online writers support group, “Readings and Responses,” approached the Board at its Annual Planning Meeting in January to suggest a new project: the organization of a new writers’ group on Kauai, the island where Frank lives. The board approved, and Frank has launched that project.
Another member of the “Readings and Responses” leadership team, Margaret Zacharias, has decided to transition out of her role, so we have also included a story about Margaret. Sometimes these transitions create openings for new members to contribute their efforts to the work of the Guild. Margaret’s is one such story—and there are others. So, if you are interested in getting more involved, take a look at the Transitions column to see whether there is an opportunity for you.
An important ongoing feature of Member News are stories and pictures of our new members, so that you have a chance to “meet them” soon after they join the Guild. Not every new member takes advantage of this opportunity to introduce themselves to us, but we are happy to shine the spotlight on those who do.
In every issue, we also devote space to saying “Congrats!” to our members who have published their work since the last issue. Issue after issue, we hear reports from several members who have reached that coveted goal, and this issue is no exception.
We hope you will enjoy reading about your fellow Guild members and their accomplishments in this issue of Member News. Please let us hear from you if you have suggestions for stories to include in future issues.
Joy and Cece
(click a name to email either one of them)
Welcome from our Co-Editors
Welcome to the fourth issue of Member News, the Hawaii Writers Guild biannual publication that shines a spotlight on our members and their writing lives and accomplishments.
In this Spring 2023 issue, we have three feature stories. At the top of the list is a story about our annual meeting, which was held in January, that focuses on our members’ participation. If you attended the Zoom meeting, you will find your picture in this story. If you didn’t attend, you can see who was there.
Our second feature tells the story about how the aloha spirit of the Guild’s new president and a new member of the Guild helped a writer from Canada realize her wish to do a public reading from her new book during her visit to Maui in April.
In our third feature, our new president, Diane Revell, reports on the 24th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Peace Poem Awards Ceremony that she attended as a representative of the Guild on April 29.
We think you’ll agree, based on the latter two feature stories, that a characteristic of our new president’s governance is connecting with others. It’s going to be fun to see where her presidency will lead the Guild!
We also devote space to two regular columns that we try to include in each issue. Genre Corner is a column which provides an opportunity for a member (or members) to sound off—either pro or con—about some aspect of their favorite genres. In this issue, what started out as a Genre Corner column by our secretary Donna Beumler, ended up as more akin to a description of one of her favorite writing techniques, which she calls “Magical Writing.” See whether it’s a technique that might appeal to you.
Our second column, Transitions, is a column we developed to provide news of members who are moving into or out of various positions, functions or duties with Hawaii Writers Guild or other aspects of their writing lives. This month we have a profile of our new president, Diane Revell, to introduce you to her in case you don’t know her. We also feature a new project being developed by our member Frank Reilly. Frank, a founding member of the team that developed the Guild’s online writers support group, “Readings and Responses,” approached the Board at its Annual Planning Meeting in January to suggest a new project: the organization of a new writers’ group on Kauai, the island where Frank lives. The board approved, and Frank has launched that project.
Another member of the “Readings and Responses” leadership team, Margaret Zacharias, has decided to transition out of her role, so we have also included a story about Margaret. Sometimes these transitions create openings for new members to contribute their efforts to the work of the Guild. Margaret’s is one such story—and there are others. So, if you are interested in getting more involved, take a look at the Transitions column to see whether there is an opportunity for you.
An important ongoing feature of Member News are stories and pictures of our new members, so that you have a chance to “meet them” soon after they join the Guild. Not every new member takes advantage of this opportunity to introduce themselves to us, but we are happy to shine the spotlight on those who do.
In every issue, we also devote space to saying “Congrats!” to our members who have published their work since the last issue. Issue after issue, we hear reports from several members who have reached that coveted goal, and this issue is no exception.
We hope you will enjoy reading about your fellow Guild members and their accomplishments in this issue of Member News. Please let us hear from you if you have suggestions for stories to include in future issues.
Joy and Cece
(click a name to email either one of them)
Vertical Divider
Featured StoriesNew Member SpotlightHere are ten new members who joined since our last issue. Click on any name to learn about that new member. [Click on "New Member Spotlight" above to see them all] 1. Meet Kahualani Aitken 2. Meet Phillip Anderson 3. Meet Jadelin Bennett 4. Meet John Blossom 5. Meet Nicole Kepoo 6. Meet Karen Kuester 7. Meet Terra LeMay 8. Meet Chad Aaron Long 9. Meet Marc Mowrey 10. Meet Catherine Tripp |
Writing Techniques 1. Magic Writing
by Donna Beumler TransitionsRecently Published Here are seven members who have published recently. Let's give them all a hand! Click on any name to go directly to that member. [Click on "Recently Published" above to see them all] 1. Published! Congrats to Jordan Barnes 2. Published! Congrats to Gwyn Gorg 3. Published! Congrats to Don Kennedy 4. Published! Congrats to Karen Keuster 5. Published! Congrats to Don Mules 6. Published! Congrats to Wendy Noritake 7. Published! Congrats to Frank Reilly |