If A Virus Could Talk
By Donna Maltz
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You will never cease to be without viruses, so listen up! If we viruses could talk, I would tell you that we have been here long before humans and we are the most abundant biological entity on Earth. From New York City to Wuhan, China, from the ozone layer to the soil’s depths, from plants to animals, to you, I am experienced. Now, you call me COVID-19, but we come in many forms with many names... I know it is disconcerting that a tiny microbe can cause such a deadly global threat to your kind, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I know some of you are scared, and some do not care... The truth is, neither attitude will help you fare. I am a universe unto myself, as are you. I have a purpose of carrying on, no matter what. I must ask you, what is yours? I come to you with a treaty, and you have a choice to sign or resign. We viruses can be kind, but we also can be contrary if you do not comply. I cannot replicate without a host. I prefer to live with mosquitoes, fleas, rats, bats, and cockroaches and can thrive on other animals, plants, fungi, and even bacteria that know how to coexist with me. I will not discriminate; I take what I can get. So, that means I can also wreak havoc and feast on you... I shall survive! Nothing is as resilient as me. I empathize with the marginalized communities that are attacked the hardest. I, too, have been marginalized. The human lifestyle leaves no room for my preferred hosts. I am considered a pest! Attempts to eradicate me will fail until balance is restored. I witness how humans treat others and the welfare of Nature. Your so-called rulers’ priorities and their broken systems are out of control, out of balance! Like us viruses, they infect you. You face more than one pandemic. These leaders represent a microscopic percentage and are powerful enough to rapidly spread toxicity. Like me, they can destroy your world. When weak, you are out of balance; a perfect host for me. Unless you wise up and rise up, things will get worse. Diseases will continue to escalate throughout the greedy systems and shred the fabric of your society. I am not to blame for all your human shortcomings. I come to you first with diplomacy, then I attack with my army, which is stronger than yours will ever be. We are at war like never before; this is a war between Mother Earth and humanity. Since it is a global war, it is a World War There will be more inflammatory outbreaks until you learn how to live with Earth’s wisdom. Humans must stop destroying the rainforest, the arctic, the north, the south, the east, the west, and all places in between. Fortune hunters have come into my most desirable wild habitats, destroying my preferred ecosystems and hosts. They have evolved into an invasive species on this planet, getting away with outrageous crimes against Nature and your own kind! Lust for power and an extraction economy is killing you—yet I am to blame?! Those who try to climb to the top while looking down on others will never win. Human misfortune is my fortune. Eco-genocide has its consequences... I will take revenge and destroy such conduct. Human greed is a disease of ignorance. When the inability to see the beauty and purpose of diversity dissipates, we strike! Catastrophic fires are like fevers, floods are like the lungs filled with fluid, and superstorms are the spread of me—the deadly virus. As the planet heats, other forms of me are incubating, waiting to attack. There is no cure for me. As you wait for the perfect vaccine to control me, I am mutating, but you can still be prepared and willing to cooperate. As your species destroys other species, you have the power to help stop the insanity. I advise you to bolster your immune system. Sanitize but do not over-sanitize. Wake up, and so much suffering will be avoided. Respect all life-kind and help clean up humankind’s mess. Look within and question your role in the destructive human-made systems. All of life’s diversity, including me, plays an intricate role in the balance. All of life-kind, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals, have value. Last but certainly not least, understand that the healthier Earth’s immune system is, the less severe the human response will be to my viral attacks. I am here; you are here. Can we coexist? I offer a treaty: Respect my existence, natural habitats, and preferred hosts, and I will respect yours. I am ready to sign. I invite you to do the same: X _COVID-19__________________________ X ____________________________________ |
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